Worm Wiki

Robin Swoyer is a member of the Brockton Bay Protectorate.


As Velocity, Robin wears a red costume with racing stripes down either side and two stripes meeting in a 'v' on his chest. [1]


Robin likes being a cape and is happy to have an 'out' from military service, which could have well killed him due to the despair and frustration he felt if nothing else.

Abilties and Powers

Robin has the ability to change 'states' by altering the way time or physics work in relation to himself. This allows him to move, react, and think more than ten times faster than an ordinary individual.[1]

The drawback, however, is that his strength is lowered proportionate to how fast he is capable of moving. This enables him to function without shattering his bones by hammering his feet against the ground ten times a second, getting torn to shreds by friction or running out of oxygen due to an inability to breathe. In effect, his speed comes with a reduced ability to affect the world aroumd him and be affected by it.[1]



Robin enlisted into the military due to the promise of a way to learn languages (Russian and Chinese) and hoped to travel during/after the fact. Instead, he got stuck in the rank and file with no follow-through and longer terms than he expected. He eventually triggered after being caught in a bad situation in a bad place and a bad mental state.

Eventually, Robin joined the Protectorate. He also has started taking some classes in Chinese on the local Protectorate's team to give them an edge while dealing with the Azn Bad Boys.[2]

Story Start

Velocity was present alongside Armsmaster and Miss Militia during the Mayor's function. He squared off against Bitch and her dogs when the Undersiders broke in. He then engaged Skitter when she came out of Grue's darkness. He attempted to herd her towards an open window before she called for cover and Grue covered them in darkness. It interfered with his powers and allowed Skitter to get to her feet and start directing bugs to cluster on his body.[1]

Skitter tried punching Velocity before spraying him in the face with pepper spray and directing her bugs to sting and bite him. Velocity flipped out and then began to blindly search for something to wipe his eyes. Skitter took advantage of this and swung her foam canister handle at the space between his legs. He keeled over and then pulled against Skitter's grip as she cuffed him before securing him to a nearby table.[1]

Velocity worked with Trickster in order to rescue people who were floundering in the water during Leviathan's attack. [3] He died sometime afterwards and had his name placed on a memorial to honor those that had fallen. [4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 "Worm" Web Serial, Tangle 6.6
  2. Spacebattles
  3. "Worm" Web Serial, Extermination 8.5
  4. "Worm" Web Serial, Extermination 8.8


