Pagoda is a hybrid cape created by Bonesaw. He is a combination of Carnal and Prophet, two regenerators combined to create an exceptionally durable cape.[1]
Pagoda resembled a centaur. His lower half was likely Carnal, comprising of a large, muscled body built like a gorilla. His top half was likely Prophet, growing up from where Carnal's head should have been, appearing to be a thin man with greasy brown hair and a beard.
Abilities and Powers[]
Pagoda healed almost any damage done to him extremely rapidly, faster than Panacea was able to inflict damage with her power. His brain didn't feel pain properly, and he was immune to most Master effects since he was directly controlled by a metal framework inside his body.
Should Pagoda ever escape Bonesaw's control, his regeneration was to be put into reverse by an apparatus near his heart, killing him.[1]
One half of Pagoda was Carnal, a tough regenerator that could accelerate his healing by bathing in blood. He attempted to join the Slaughterhouse Nine, but failed the tests and was subsequently used by Bonesaw. The other half was Prophet, another regenerator who was convinced he was Jesus reborn.
Pagoda accompanied Bonesaw to visit Panacea. Bonesaw didn't yet have a name for him, to which Panacea suggested the name Pagoda. Bonesaw then forced Panacea to kill Pagoda using her power, activating the control frame's failsafe that would reverse his regeneration.
Character Appearances[]
Leaders | King † • Jack Slash † |
Members | Bonesaw ‡ • Breed † • Burnscar † • Cherish ‡ • Chuckles † • Crawler † • Crimson † • Damsel of Distress † • Gray Boy † • Harbinger ‡ • Hatchet Face † • Hookwolf † • Mannequin † • Miasma † • Murder Rat † • Nice Guy † • Night Hag * • Nyx † • Psychosoma † • Screamer † • Shatterbird † • The Siberian † • Skinslip * • Winter † |
Bonesaw's Hybrids | Hack Job † • Laughjob * • Murder Rat † • Nighty Night * • Pagoda † • Snowmann † • Spawner ‡ • Tyrant † |
Clones | Damsel of Distress II ‡ • Damsel of Distress III ‡ • Harbinger Clones ‡ (Harbinger I ‡ • Harbinger II ‡ • Harbinger III ‡ • Harbinger IV ‡ • Harbinger V ‡) |