Worm Wiki

Harbinger IV is one of five remaining clones of the original Harbinger.


Number Four, as with the rest of his brothers, is sadistic, having no qualms in hurting or killing people. He also derives some enjoyment, that his number is associated with death.


A teenage version of the original. Wears glasses.

Abilities and Powers[]

Main article: Number Man

Harbinger IV has all the combat thinker abilities of the original Number Man, if less refined due to a lack of experience. However, he has stronger shard-enabled connection with his brothers.



Harbinger IV and his brothers were all created by Bonesaw and used by the Slaughterhouse Nine to attack several locations. They proved a formidable force, until the arrival of their original and Contessa forced them to surrender.

Gold Morning[]

Harbinger IV made it through the event.

Post-Time Bubble Pop[]

Harbinger IV was present for the meeting before the second assault on Teacher's base. He noted Svetas present and decided something needed to be done about her, perceiving her as a threat to Citrine and having noticed that one of his brothers was growing a conscience due to having received memories about her.

Chapter Appearances[]

Worm Chapter Appearances
1. Scarab 25.1 Absent
2. Scarab 25.2 Absent
3. Scarab 25.3 Absent
4. Scarab 25.4 Absent
5. Scarab 25.5 Absent
6. Scarab 25.6 Absent
x. Interlude 25 Debut


Site Navigation[]

Slaughterhouse Nine
Leaders King Jack Slash 
Members Bonesaw Breed Burnscar Cherish Chuckles Crawler Crimson Damsel of Distress Gray Boy Harbinger Hatchet Face Hookwolf Mannequin Miasma Murder Rat Nice Guy Night Hag *Nyx Psychosoma Screamer Shatterbird The Siberian Skinslip *Winter 
Bonesaw's Hybrids Hack Job Laughjob *Murder Rat Nighty Night *Pagoda Snowmann Spawner Tyrant 
Clones Damsel of Distress II Damsel of Distress III Harbinger Clones  (Harbinger I Harbinger II  • Harbinger III Harbinger IV Harbinger V )
Leader Doctor Mother 
Members Alexandria Balminder Contessa The Clairvoyant The Custodian Doormaker Eidolon Harbinger Clones  (Harbinger I Harbinger II  • Harbinger III Harbinger IV Harbinger V ) • Hero Legend William Manton The Number Man Pretender The Slug 
Leader Jeanne Wynn
Members The Number Man Harbinger Clones (Harbinger IHarbinger II • Harbinger III • Harbinger IVHarbinger V ) • GrapnelVenarum • Red Oni • Tusks