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The Harbinger Clones are a group of Number Man clones, created by Bonesaw. Originally, there were up to 9 clones, but only 5 survived the events of Gold Morning.[1]

Modus operandi[]

They act together as a unit and try to prevent themselves from differentiating, to the point they fully expect to have to share a girlfriend.[2]


Abilities and Powers[]

All of the Harbinger Clones have the same Thinker abilities as their original, though their abilities are notably less refined.[3][4]

They can communicate complex information to each other using solely numbers.[5]

Due to their artificial nature their shard found a deeper purchase in their personalities with shared memory-dreams and synchronization.



The original Harbinger operated for a long time and had a reputation if not outright legend about him. While legends contain grains of fact they are on the whole fictional and not the best basis of research.[6]


The Harbinger Clones were created by Bonesaw, as a part of the Slaughterhouse Nine-Thousand.[7] They proved a force to be reckoned with, and were only defeated by the combined forces of the original Number Man, and Contessa.[4]

Gold Morning[]

Five survived Gold Morning and continued assisting Cauldron, with their senior keeping them in line.


The Harbinger Clones are working with their original and Jeanne Wynn.[8]

Post-Goddess' Takeover[]

Number One and Number Two were sent to assist Breakthrough in their mission to defeat Cradle. They suffered heavy wounds from his mercenaries.

Number Two permanently blinded Contender with a slingshot.

Once Cradle was dealt with, they unsuccessfully explained Dauntless to Breakthrough.

Post-Time Bubble Pop[]

Attended the assembly of the second assault team deploying against Teacher.[9] They were send in alongside secondary team of The Shepherds and some minor teams.[10]

One of the boys followed Tress, and helped out with elite Teacher's soldiers and Dragonslayers.[11]

Another one was sent off by Contessa to nudge the results of a car bombing that would kill The Number Man.[12]

After this attack, the fifth Harbinger left and the others tried to track him down to no avail.[13]

The Ice Breaks[]

Harbinger V was present during the battle against Titans during the Shardspace incursion. He stayed near Sveta.[14]

Fanart Gallery[]


  1. “But we won’t go our separate ways,” Harbinger Two added. “Probably.”

    “If one of you got a girlfriend..?” Chastity asked, “Hm?”

    “Wouldn’t happen,” Harbinger Two said.

    “Ah-ha. What a shame.”

    “No,” Harbinger Two said. “We like girls. But it wouldn’t be one of us. We’d come as a set.”

    “Yes,” Harbinger One said. “We get jealous.”

    “Two boys who care about their appearance, in good standing with the Mayor, even. Lucky girl.”

    “Five boys,” Harbinger One said. - Excerpt from Heavens 12.2
  2. “If we go our separate ways, then we go our separate ways,” Harbinger One said. “The coordination follows from other things, not from us. Understanding. A little bit of programming.”

    “But we won’t go our separate ways,” Harbinger Two added. “Probably.”

    “If one of you got a girlfriend..?” Chastity asked, “Hm?”

    “Wouldn’t happen,” Harbinger Two said.

    “Ah-ha. What a shame.”

    “No,” Harbinger Two said. “We like girls. But it wouldn’t be one of us. We’d come as a set.”

    “Yes,” Harbinger One said. “We get jealous.”

    “Two boys who care about their appearance, in good standing with the Mayor, even. Lucky girl.”

    “Five boys,” Harbinger One said.

    Chastity made an amused sound. - Excerpt from Heavens 12.2
  3. Though it’s somewhat justified in this instance as they don’t retain their full memories – only cobbled-together personalities and histories. - Comment by Wildbow in Sting 26.3
  4. 4.0 4.1 The entity observed the ongoing conflict. No less than five seconds after it had been trapped, two figures had emerged from a doorway between worlds. The entity could see the paths forming, trace them back to the source. Another world, a living world without a shard occupying it.

    They engaged the eight with their own perception abilities, intervening to assist a group of others. As a pair, they opened fire with guns, then waded into hand to hand combat.

    The entity looked at the male, and it saw the connection to the same shard as the eight. His connection was stronger, more mature.
    The fight progressed. Strikes with weapons and with the creature’s limbs were evaded, a careful dance of attacks where each edge and bludgeon touched skin, many even shaving off the finer hairs from cheeks, noses and chins.

    The male fought the eight in such a way that they couldn’t move without exposing themselves to attacks from the female. Each movement placed the male in a path for obvious harm, a fatal blow, but the eight could not capitalize on that. At the same time, he positioned himself in such a way that four or five at a time were unable to retreat. Not just in reach of weapons, but in reach of arms, elbows, for being taken hostage.

    The female felled three of the eight, and the situation was decided. The remaining five dropped to a position where they sat on their knees. She spoke, and an interdimensional portal appeared behind them.

    They crawled through, heads down, and the portal closed. - Excerpt from Interlude 26
  5. Interlude 5x II
  6. "I'm sorry," the Number Man said, to Rachel.  "For the behavior of my clones.  They're inaccurate, based on hearsay and speculation more than fact.  I was more polite, back then, more efficient." - Excerpt from Venom 29.7
  7. Interlude 25
  8. Interlude 5x II
  9. Interlude 15.a II
  10. Dying 15.6
  11. Interlude 15.x II
  12. From Within 16.2
  13. “He’s on our side,” Sveta explained. “He left them during the attack on Teacher’s base. He went off on his own. They’ve tried to track him down a few times. He gave up a lot to be here.” - Excerpt from Interlude 19.a II
  14. Infrared 19.2

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Slaughterhouse Nine
Leaders King Jack Slash 
Members Bonesaw Breed Burnscar Cherish Chuckles Crawler Crimson Damsel of Distress Gray Boy Harbinger Hatchet Face Hookwolf Mannequin Miasma Murder Rat Nice Guy Night Hag *Nyx Psychosoma Screamer Shatterbird The Siberian Skinslip *Winter 
Bonesaw's Hybrids Hack Job Laughjob *Murder Rat Nighty Night *Pagoda Snowmann Spawner Tyrant 
Clones Damsel of Distress II Damsel of Distress III Harbinger Clones  (Harbinger I Harbinger II  • Harbinger III Harbinger IV Harbinger V )
Leader Doctor Mother 
Members Alexandria Balminder Contessa The Clairvoyant The Custodian Doormaker Eidolon Harbinger Clones  (Harbinger I Harbinger II  • Harbinger III Harbinger IV Harbinger V ) • Hero Legend William Manton The Number Man Pretender The Slug 
Leader Jeanne Wynn
Members The Number Man Harbinger Clones (Harbinger IHarbinger II • Harbinger III • Harbinger IVHarbinger V ) • GrapnelVenarum • Red Oni • Tusks